I know You will aid me in my desire to stop these sorts of feelings. You've already helped just by the fact that I've realized this habit of mine. I know I can shake it off with through Your love and my own will.
I want and will read and study the lessons every day. I will meditate at least once a day. No more excuses. I will put to use this open period of time I have. The rest of 2012 (and the rest of this life) will be...and now is devoted to better attuning my "self" with the Infinite Source. Your love and will for me will be my guide. I want to serve others and know that by staying true to this goal, I will learn how to do so.
“A wish implies a helpless desire of the mind. A desire is a stronger wish; it is often followed by fitful efforts to manifest itself into action. An intention or a determination, is a definite, strong desire expressed very forcefully once or twice through action for the accomplishment of a certain purpose. Such a determination, however strong, is often discouraged after one or perhaps several unsuccessful efforts. But a volition, divine will, consists of a series of continuous, undiscourageable, unceasing determinations and acts revolving around a desire, until it becomes dynamic enough to produce the much-craved result. ‘Will and act until victory’ is the slogan of all volitive activity. No matter how impossible of accomplishment his goal may seem, the man of volition never stops repeating conscious acts of determination to achieve it, as long as he lives.”
"Help me cope with this heavy load, trying to touch and reach you with heart and soul...please take hold of my hand, that I might understand you."
Never stop repeating conscious acts of determination to achieve any goal.